“Springtime then appeared in Markandeya’s asrama. Indeed, the evening sky, glowing with the light of the rising moon, became the very face of spring, and sprouts and fresh blossoms virtually covered the multitude of trees and creepers.”

Srimad Bhagvatam 12.8.21

I still haven’t finished pruning my various trees and shrubs which with a warm spell in the offing has acquired a sense of urgency. The bad weather in February is biting my backside now as I got no pruning done then. I also try to do some pruning on friends or temple properties but I am not getting too much of that done this year and feeling a little guilty about it. There is an ocean to do. If anyone wants to help with that let me know and we can go together, my progress is relatively slow on those projects but I can direct more energetic persons and get a lot done if someone wants to help.

I still have some work on my veggie garden fence. It is fine for deer but not raccoon, possum, and ground hog proof yet. I made a little progress on that yesterday but more to go.

There is a lot of neglected cleanup work on my property from years of being out of the loop. One thing I am hacking away at is a pile of windows I had accumulated for cold frames that weren’t stored properly and most of the glass has broken due to the freeze/thaw cycle. I am taking some of the broken glass and putting it into trash bins for the weekly collection, but it is heavy so only so much can be put out at a time.

All in all though, I am accomplishing some things and that is satisfying, though in a garden or on a farm, there is always an ocean of possibilities so always more to do.

Meanwhile the forsythia and crocus are blooming, so spring is no longer a wish or an illusion, it is manifest.